I actually had to call the importer to find the blend of
grapes that is used in this wine; 50% Chardonnay, 40%
Semillon and 10% Sauvignon Blanc. I picked this up when I
was looking for something new to try from 'Down Under' and
I actually loved it.
This wine is a very drinkable everywhere wine, where the
Semillon brings out a dry aspect, downplaying the
Chardonnay, but the Sauvignon Blanc gives a little citrus
kick to at the end. The taste is well rounded, building up
in the middle and not letting off, but easing off gradually
with a finish of a good 30 seconds. I would say that I can
taste some peach mixed with apricot, but that the citrus
component could be swaying my taste.
I am amped to try their red wines next!