For those that know me, I am a big fan of dessert wines,
both big in alcohol and up to moderate in sugar [with some
exceptions]. I had been dying to try this wine as soon as I
saw it on Chaddsdford's website, but it's not carried in the
state stores. Well, when I finally went out to the winery
to taste and review some of these wines, Eric [Miller]
bequeathed me with a bottle.
I was expecting a high sugar content, but actually didn't
get that, and it was actually great with that aspect. The
residual sugar level is 9.7% and it gives you a taste that
is sweet but serene and demure, never hitting you with a
sweet tooth sized sugar rush, but transporting the gentlest
flavors of fruit (apricot, peach, nectarine) within a liquid
with a mild level of weight that goes above that of any
typical white wine; it's not as heavy as most dessert wines,
and this is also a pleasant thing to behold.
While I might have first expected a headier wine in both
alcohol and body, this actually comes off as something
rather dignified that you can enjoy by itself, or along with
a nice light dessert, or assortment thereof.
Keep keeping it classy Chaddsford!