After what has been a very emotionally exhausting and
draining year, I decided to treat myself. I am already
getting more acquainted with aged tawny ports of ten,
twenty, thirty and forty years, but I don't ever remember
having a vintage port, especially one with so many years in
the bottle.
This port is a vintage port, which is pretty special in
itself, that it is only made from one year's grapes, and
also in the fact that when these grapes were harvested, I
was only in fourth grade. Now granted, I have had some
other wines that were older than me, but this one just
seemed like something that I deserved.
Aside from the sugary sweetness, you instantly get black
cherries, licorice, and just a little black currant. The
color is a nice dark purple that results to deep caramel
when you hold it up to the light.
This wine is the perfect end of the night accompanient
that at best, should only be paired with dark chocolate, a
seriously decadent chocolate cake, or a well-hewed cigar.
And it also should not be wasted on fools.