Wine mixology Number 1: Wine and Bubbly, or just some other bubbles
Monday, February 15, 2010
I know, I know, isn't bubbly already a wine
you ask. And the answer is yes, but there are some things
that you can do by adding a non-bubbly (still) wine with a
bubbly wine and get some great results. It's kind of like
making a punch with sherbert, fruit juice and soda.
However, only so much sparkling wine is actually made, and
of that, it is quite limited in both style – and in this I
am talking about sugar level – and also components. I mean,
there are some nontraditional bubblies out there that had
flavors of peach, strawberry and raspberry (Renault Winery
in New Jersey makes a blueberry champagne), and there are
sparkling Pinot Noir and sparkling Shiraz wines as well, but
sometimes you want something a little different.
And albeit it might be a great idea to also
produce a great wine in a sparkling version, sometimes there
is not enough money in the budget, or that would be garnered
in sales to justify it.
So, what can you
and I do?
Well, we could easily take out
favorite wine, and perhaps merge it with an inexpensive
bubbly that either doesn't take from its flavor, or in turn
adds something special to it. I just realized this while
enjoying some Quady Winery Elysium, and realizing that this
would go well as part of a wine martini, but then today I
started thinking about it as a bubbly. You see, its alcohol
content is already fifteen percent, and you're not going to
get something so decadently good from a sparkling wine; the
most similar is Banfi's Rose Regale and that only comes to
seven percent alcohol, and unfortunately, mixing two
different wines together with different alcohol percentages
does not add them, but at best, averages them out.
Imagine a wine that reminds you of sweet dark
berries, but with a hit of potency that literally laughs a
lot of other wines straight out the door. Now, think about
adding some bubbles to that.
Now, with
the bubblies, you don't have to go with some fabulous
champagne, or other sparkling wine. You could probably get
over with just about any sparkling that is extra-dry (sec),
be it Cava, Prosecco, Sekt, Asti, or traditional sparkling
[using the traditional method of secondary fermentation in
the bottle]. But with the right bottle or two, you could
easily stretch that one bottle of heaven into three bottles
of gorgeous. Imagine a great wine, like an ice wine,
Sauternes, or perhaps even an Amarone (that would be
wonderful experiment) effusing it's benevolent palate sating
essence to a glass of bubbly. Don't even tell me you're
still thinking of mimosas and bellinis.
This is even giving me some ideas, and while I
am just thinking of the dessert wines by Quady Winery,
Chaddsford makes a great Sunset Blush, and I also have had a
wonderful Est Est Est Vescovo Amabile by Cantina Di
Montefiascone. Other candidates would be Vin Santo, and
high alcohol fruit wines (Alba Winery and Tomasello Winery
make some wonderful ones, and New Hope Winery's Blackberry
is totally voluptuous in your mouth). There is one Italian
producer Moscato di Trani making a wine – really an
ambrosia-- called Estasi which is out of this world. Just
about any other great muscat would also do.
That said, I would love to hear what you try
for your combinations, and how it came out. I am actually
about to add a comments sections to the web sites, as well
as some questions and answers as well.
Well, this has been Wine Mixology #1, next up
will be wine and Japanese spirits!
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